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Create a business !

Essential Oils as a business

Let me ask you…How would you like to have your own business and start building the life you want? How would you like to have more freedom and flexibility? How would you like to create a phenomenal business where you get to make a positive impact on other peoples lives every single day? We want to help you accomplish just that. We have a passion to help and server others We want to have a business with a heart and we want to help you create the same.

Dave and I started this business with nothing. Neither of us had a "network" or had been in a business like this before! But when I was introduced to dōTERRA Essential Oils, it was a product that I believed in, and I had a deep desire to create a better life for my family and wanted to make a difference in the world. Within 24 months Dave and I have created more financial security for our family as well as helped others do the same and we are living our passion of helping and serving others. We are building a legacy that we are proud of, we are changing the world!!


You can live your dream too, if you simply decide and take action. If you want to start your own Essential Oil business and be a part of our tribe and create a business, here is just a small portion of what you can expect. You will get too much for us to mention.

  • Add additional income to your full time job or become an entrepreneur for the first time and run your business full-time.

  • Be a part of an AMAZING team! We love the team that we are very fortunate to be apart of. They are our family of like-minded individuals, we work together, we grow together, and we support each other EVERY day.

  • Connection to a local team. 

  • Weekly training calls with us and other leaders within the Tribe and throughout dōTERRA . 

  • Access to our members only section and secret Facebook groups that provide training on various topics.

  • Earn commission while sharing.

  • Save 25-55% off on your product

  • THE BEST education, support and access to team resources.

Product Discounts

Free Product





25% off Retail Prices



On monthly orders over 125PV

Earn bonuses when sponsoring new distributors .

We always tell are children to dream and work hard. If they do that they can have anything they want. What kind of leaders are we as parents when many of us have lost our dream, or we have forgotten how to dream because we just settled. We are here to tell you that it is ok to dream again and reach for those goals and that freedom you didn't think was possible IS possible. It can happen for you and we will help you achieve it. We are committed to you and your goals and your success.

Product Discounts

When you sign up as a Wellness Advocate, you automatically receive 25% off the retail price beginning with your enrollment order. Every one of your orders from then on will receive the 25% discount. If you're going to order regularly, this is the best option for you.

So, for example, our Breathe Respiratory Blend retails for $26.67, but Wellness Advocates can buy it for only $20.00!

Product Discounts

Free Products

Free Product

There are two ways Wellness Advocates can receive free products:

  • Our Loyalty Rewards Program (commonly called LRP)

  • Product of the Month Program.

The Loyalty Rewards Program is like a ongoing monthly order with dōTERRA. Each month, if you order 50 PV (around $50) or more, you earn 10-30% back in product points that you can redeem for free product! Learn more about the Loyalty Rewards Program

dōTERRA's Product of the Month program helps you save on your overall product costs. It introduces you to oils you may not have purchased that you can also use as incentives for new enrollees or hostesses. The Product of the Month program is really simple! 

Here's how it works:

  • Place one monthly Loyalty Rewards order totaling 125 PV or more.

  • Make sure it's scheduled to ship on or before the 15th of each month, and your order will include a free product!



Bonuses are paid to those that share the oils with others, help them to enroll, and submit consistent orders each month. Bonuses can add up, even covering your entire monthly order for free and beyond! Way beyond. 

Here are some of the bonuses immediately available to you after signing up:

  • Primary Initial Bonus: Earn 20% of purchases made by new Wellness Advocates you sign.

  • Secondary Bonus: Earn over $1500 for having your team structured correctly down 3 levels.

  • Unilevel Bonus: Earn a percentage of your entire organization's monthly orders (up to 7%).

Wanna to talk to us?

We'd love to set up a time to chat and answer any questions you may have! Fill out the form here and we will contact you within 24 hours. 

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
©by The Oil Place - Please contact us - We would love to hear from you!
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